Chip 8 instruction set

(all values in Hexadecimal unless stated)

The Chip-8 instruction set runs in 4k of memory (addresses 000 - FFF). Programs start at 200, memory before that containing the chip-8 interpreter on a real 1802 based machine. The screen is 64 x 32 (128 x 64 on superchip) and is monochrome. Their is a sound buzzer

There are 16 primary registers, called v0 - vf. vf is used for carries and borrows and shouldn't really be used as a general purpose register. There is a 12 bit index register called I. There is a program counter and stack pointer, but neither of these are accessible from program code.

There are 2 counters, the sound timer and the delay timer. Both count down at about 60Hz (on Chip8 they count down in threes using the PC's 18.2Hz Clock). When the sound timer is non-zero the buzzer sounds.

This is the Chip-8 Instruction set as I understand it....

Code Assembler Description Notes
00Cx scdown x Scroll the screen down x lines Super only, not implemented
00E0 cls Clear the screen
00EE rts return from subroutine call
00FB scright scroll screen 4 pixels right Super only,not implemented
00FC scleft scroll screen 4 pixels left Super only,not implemented
00FE low disable extended screen mode Super only
00FF high enable extended screen mode (128 x 64) Super only 
1xxx jmp xxx jump to address xxx
2xxx jsr xxx jump to subroutine at address xxx 16 levels maximum
3rxx skeq vr,xx skip if register r = constant
4rxx skne vr,xx skip if register r <> constant
5ry0 skeq vr,vy skip f register r = register y
6rxx mov vr,xx move constant to register r
7rxx add vr,vx add constant to register r No carry generated
8ry0 mov vr,vy move register vy into vr
8ry1 or rx,ry or register vy into register vx
8ry2 and rx,ry and register vy into register vx
8ry3 xor rx,ry exclusive or register ry into register rx
8ry4 add vr,vy add register vy to vr,carry in vf
8ry5 sub vr,vy subtract register vy from vr,borrow in vf vf set to 1 if borroesws
8r06 shr vr shift register vy right, bit 0 goes into register vf
8ry7 rsb vr,vy subtract register vr from register vy, result in vr vf set to 1 if borrows
8r0e shl vr shift register vr left,bit 7 goes into register vf
9ry0 skne rx,ry skip if register rx <> register ry
axxx mvi xxx Load index register with constant xxx
bxxx jmi xxx Jump to address xxx+register v0
crxx rand vr,xxx    vr = random number less than or equal to xxx
drys sprite rx,ry,s Draw sprite at screen location rx,ry height s Sprites stored in memory at location in index register, maximum 8 bits wide. Wraps around the screen. If when drawn, clears a pixel, vf is set to 1 otherwise it is zero. All drawing is xor drawing (e.g. it toggles the screen pixels
dry0 xsprite rx,ry Draws extended sprite at screen location rx,ry As above,but sprite is always 16 x 16. Superchip only, not yet implemented
ek9e skpr k skip if key (register rk) pressed The key is a key number, see the chip-8 documentation
eka1 skup k skip if key (register rk) not pressed
fr07 gdelay vr get delay timer into vr
fr0a key vr wait for for keypress,put key in register vr
fr15 sdelay vr set the delay timer to vr
fr18 ssound vr set the sound timer to vr
fr1e adi vr add register vr to the index register
fr29 font vr point I to the sprite for hexadecimal character in vr Sprite is 5 bytes high
fr30 xfont vr point I to the sprite for hexadecimal character in vr Sprite is 10 bytes high,Super only
fr33 bcd vr store the bcd representation of register vr at location I,I+1,I+2 Doesn't change I
fr55 str v0-vr store registers v0-vr at location I onwards I is incremented to point to the next location on. e.g. I = I + r + 1
fx65 ldr v0-vr load registers v0-vr from location I onwards as above.

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