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More Examples of Scripts Created with CGI.pm

Basic Non Sequitur Questionnaire

Advanced Non Sequitur Questionnaire

Save and restore the state of a form to a file

Read the coordinates from a clickable image map

Multiple independent forms on the same page

How to maintain state on a page with internal links

Echo fatal script errors to the browser

The Following Scripts only Work with Netscape 2.0 & Internet Explorer only!

Prompt for a file to upload and process it

A Continuously-Updated Page using Server Push

Compute the "diff" between two uploaded files

Maintain state over a long period with a cookie

Permanently customize the appearance of a page

Popup the response in a new window

Side-by-side form and response using frames

Verify the Contents of a fill-out form with JavaScript

Lincoln D. Stein, lstein@genome.wi.mit.edu
Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research
Last modified: Tue Feb 19 13:58:04 MET 2002