TD X-Window numero 2: graphe.h

*                                                                             *
*              mini-afficheur de graphes                           *
*                                                                             *

*                graph file structure                             *
/* Syntaxe:
 * Une entite par ligne, chaque champ separe par un blanc.
 * Syntaxe volontairement rigide pour simplifier le parsing
 * Title: T string
 * Node: N id x y label
 * Edge: E id from_id to_id

*                 data types                                  *

/* La structure d'un noeud */

typedef struct _Node {
    int id;             /* unique identifier (number) */

    int x;              /* position */
    int y;
    int width;              /* to be calculated */
    int height;             /* to be calculated */

    char *label;            /* text to be displayed */
    int baseline_x;
    int baseline_y;

    struct _Node *next;         /* next node in graph */
} *Node;

/* la structure d'un arc */

typedef struct _Edge {
    int id;             /* unique identifier (number) */

    int from_id;            /* nodes connected by id */
    int to_id;

    Node from;              /* the nodes themselves */
    Node to;

    struct _Edge *next;         /* next edge in graph */
} *Edge;

/* un graphe */

typedef struct _Graph {
    char *title;            /* symbolic */
    Node nodes;             /* null-terminated list */
    Edge edges;             /* null-terminated list */
} *Graph;

*                 provided functions                              *

/* read a graph from file */
Graph ReadGraph(/*
          FILE *stream;

/* writes textual representation */
void PrintGraph(/*
          Graph graph;
          FILE *stream;

/* retourne la liste des edges liees au node donne */
Edge RelatedEdges(/*
        Graph graph;
        Node node;

/* free une liste de edges */
        Edge edge;

/* affiche une liste de nodes */
           Node nodes;
           Display *dpy;
           Window window;
           GC draw_gc;
           GC fill_gc;

/* affiche une liste de edges */
           edges, dpy, window, gc)
           Edge edges;
           Display *dpy;
           Window window;
           GC gc;

*               functions to be coded                             *

/* affiche un graph */
void DisplayGraph(/*
            Display *dpy;
            Window window;
            Graph graph;
            GC draw_gc;     foreground: black
            GC fill_gc;     background: white

/* affiche un node */
          Node node;
          Display *dpy;
          Window window;
          GC draw_gc;
          GC fill_gc;

/* affiche une edge */
          Edge edge;
          Display *dpy;
          Window window;
          GC gc;

/* retourne le premier node dont la bounding box contient le point (x,y) */
Node FindNode(/*
        Graph graph;
        int x;
        int y;

/* a appeller apres avoir lu le graphe pour calculer les tailles des boites */
void FixGraphLabelDimensions(/*
                   Graph graph;
                   Font font;